Tuesday, June 30, 2009

2 firings 2 days...

Well it's amazing what the addition of 1% bentonite will do for a glaze formula (especially when you were supposed to put it in to begin with!). I haven't fired yet but it already feels better. Much more like a glaze that will stick to the pot! I don't have pictures yet but hopefully I will soon. My little kiln is getting quite the workout this week as it's already taken 2 bisque firings and as soon as it's cool enough it will be glazing, hopefully twice before our show this weekend. I did want to give a little sneak peek at these awesome keys I bought from etsy a few weeks ago. I made molds of them and am trying to incorporate them into the jewelry I need to make for an upcoming show. My original idea was to totally cast them in porcelain but I don't want to fire my kiln that high just for some keys so I'm going to see if I can try to make it work with my red clay. We'll see. I'll keep you posted on how that's turning out!

1 comment:

Qworuu said...

Good readiing this post