Well we did it, we finally finished our upstairs room. Since our basement is used as our studio we have a major storage issue in our little house and up until last week this room was the dumping ground for all of our show displays, boxes of comics for M and just about anything else we didn't know what to do with. After 5 years the piles were just plain embarrassing so for this year's spring break I asked M to help me refinish the room into something we could use for storage, office space and guest quarters. I started the painting a couple of weeks ago when M was out of town for a show and this week he helped me rip up the old nasty blue speckled carpet (you know that 70's style muddled carpeting, yuck) and paint the floors (I know, I know painting wood floors is a "no-no" but they were already half painted and now I have a usable room so I really don't care). After many hours of hard work, several trips to Lowes, Target and Ikea, we are finally almost finished. There are still a few more things that need to be taken to goodwill or the dump and a mountain of recycling to be dealt with once my car is back from the shop (don't ask) but once that is taken care of as well as some picture hanging and minor decorating touches, we will be DONE! Hello new office space (not the dining room table as it had been previously), guest room, drawing studio (not for me) and sewing area (for me), I am sooooo happy to welcome you to our home:)