Hello Stranger! Yep, that's Stranger, our kitty (one of). Stranger is a tuxedo cat who enjoys chasing his food pellets around the house before eating them, catching bugs that fly into the house, plotting to catch the squirrels that run along the outside wires, napping on the heater, torturing his brother and snuggling while I'm on the computer. He is in a very intimate and monogamous relationship with a stuffed monkey named Merlin and his claim to fame is that he once caught a bird....while inside the house (we still have no idea how it happened since the bird *was* outside the house). While I decorate he sits in the chair behind my wheel, I keep waiting for him to make me some little kitty size pots. Sometimes he thinks that my works needs a little something more, or he's trying to sign them and take all the credit but either way I'll come in to a studio of little paw print plates sitting on my shelves. Yes, I said shelves. He likes to jump up on my full shelves and watch my heart leap from my chest as the whole wall of work wobbles while he balances like a little surfer. He does keep me company in the studio and even now as I type this he sits behind me on the couch kneading his paws into my back. Do you have a studio pet? Let me know in the comments:)